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Mille Miglia in Siena đźš—

The participants of the Mille Miglia will arrive in the Piazza del Campo, Siena! The race starts and ends in Brescia (Lombardy) and is called “the most beautiful race in the world”. It took place from 1927-1957, then was resurrected in 1987 for the enjoyment of all (even in the rain) ever since! Cars must date from 1927-1957 so even if you know nothing about cars, it’s fun to see them all! Here’s a little video I made in 2020 during Covid - there will definitely be more fanfare this year, and this is the Mille Miglia official website. They won’t stop long, but if you time it right, you’ll be able to get a few snaps and enjoy the sounds of the engines passing through!

click here to visit the official website.